DIPLE RS (Red & Standard Stage)


To achieve great microscopy on a budget, DIPLE Red & Standard is the ideal solution. An easy-to-use, solid and portable kit which transforms any smartphone or tablet into a powerful digital microscope. As a result, you will be able to see microorganisms, tissues, botanical sections and prepared slides everywhere you want!
DIPLE Red provides 35x REAL magnifications with a resolution of 3 micron. Therefore, it is ideal to see cells, microorganisms (protozoans, rotifers, water bears…).
Turn on the light source, place your slide on the stage with the objective lens on it. With this system, you can use your phone to take pictures or videos, or just to take a look at the microworld.
Product SKU: D0003
The pack contains:
  • DIPLE Red objective lens 35x – 250x (1)
  • tweezers (1)
  • Standard Stage (1)
  • prepared slides for microscopy (3)
  • plain slide for microscopy (2)
  • light source (1)
  • pipette (1)
  • coverslips (100)
  • adjustable feet for use with tablet (2)
  • screwdriver (1)



Thanks to its great cost-performance ratio and to its sturdy, this model of DIPLE is the preferred among schools and colleges that look for a powerful but affordable system for smartphone microscopy.

With DIPLE each student can make Science experiments independently; thanks to its small size, similar to a pencil case, each student can work on its own desk in class, in lab, at home or even outdoor. All the students can make their microscope experiences at the same time, setting the system in few minutes.

The direct use of smartphones or tablets with DIPLE ensures an amazing engagement, at any age.

Of course! You can find it HERE.

Since there is no need to clamp or attach them, DIPLE lenses work with virtually all models of smartphone and tablet in the market. The two adjustable phone/tablet feet included in the kit allow the system to provide the perfect support for any kind of mobile device.



Thanks to the powerful DIPLE Red lens in the kit, you can see micro-organisms, botanical, zoological and histological sections with any smartphone!

The lenses can work in water immersion without any problem.

Everything in about 0.5Kg and with the size of a pencil case… basic accessories included!

DIPLE RS (Red & Standard Stage)