Basic Histology Slides Set (x25 Slides)
A set of 25 prepared slides for microscopy, with various histology specimens. With a solid plastic carrying box.
- Human blood, thin film
- Stratified squamous epithelium, oesophagus, TS
- Skin, showing hair insertions and sebaceous glands, VS
- Lung, connective tissue stain, TS
- Stomach wall, fundic, VS
- Duodenum showing Brunner’s glands, TS
- Ileum, showing villi and goblet cells, TS
- Striated muscle, showing striations and nuclei, LS
- Non-striated (involuntary) muscle, E
- Cardiac muscle, showing nuclei, striations and intercalated discs, LS
- Spinal cord, TS
- Myelinated nerve, teased
- Cerebellum, VLS
- Artery and vein TS
- Columnar epithelium, TS
- Pseudostratified cilliated columnar epithelium, TS
- Olar tissue E
- Adipose tissue, section
- Compact bone, for Haversian canals and lamellae, TS
- Liver, TS
- Pancreas showing islets of Langerhans, TS
- Kidney, TS
- Testis, for spermatogenesis, TS
- Ovary showing follicles, TS
- Eye, entire, VS
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