About andrea antonini

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So far andrea antonini has created 91 blog entries.

Blips on Science Illustrated!

Illustreret Videnskab, original Danish edition of Science Illustrated, the historic scientific dissemination magazine, has published a review article about Blips! The same article has been published in all the other languages in which the magazine is distributed. In the issue 09/2017, published on June 1st, in fact, a long review describes the secrets about our lenses [...]

Lots of new products on sale!

Hot news! We have a bunch of new products on sale in our online store! BLIPS MACRO PLUS  a new Blips lens with focal distance of 20mm and GREAT EASE OF USE, this lens is THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY via smartphone. Especially suitable for insects, flowers, details of everyday objects, EVEN YOUR [...]

Blips conquers Denmark!

Blips on Alt Om Data Blips is becoming popular in Denmark! A new article on our lenses has been published on the popular online magazine Alt Om Data ("all about tech"), one of the most visited technology sites in the country. Another long article on Blips has been published on the blog of [...]