The innovative optical system to perform microscopy with any smartphone

This easy to use, compact and portable kit allows to use any smartphone or tablet as a POWERFUL microscope. You can see your own red blood cells or even bacteria, in seconds!

The extra-thin, sticky lenses for macro-photography and microscopy with any smartphone

Up to four mini-lenses on flexible film which cleanly stick on your smartphone or tablet; for macro-photography and for a first step into the microscopic world. So thin that you can keep BLIPS inside you wallet or on your device. The BLIPS lenses work on all smartphones and tablets.

For macro-photography and for a first step into the realm of microscopy

Magnification from 5x to 150x

For portable microscopy, with optical resolution below 0.8 micrometers

Magnification from 35x to 1000x



“…That’s wonderful thank you so much! These are totally awesome- every school should have these:) “

High school teacher

Canadian High School

Diple Is an Affordable Microscope for Your Smartphone, and It’s Amazing

Brittni Devlin,

“The best way to put a microscope in your pocket”
The Verge

“…I already own one of your DIPLE smartphone microscopes and when I showed my colleagues what this small little microscope can do, they were also really excited about your product.
College Teacher

University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend

“The DIPLE scopes were a success! [..] The teachers that I worked with are excited to get these microscopes into their classrooms.”

US college teacher

“The Blips lens itself fails nothing. With a simple sticker, you can see the hidden world and it’s impressive.”
Science Illustrated Denmark

“The DIPLE microscope has been working well and we’re very excited about the possible capabilities of this system. We love how the system is modular and can be optimized for specific needs. 

R&D Manager