NEW Full Gift Pack


New Full Gift Pack, the greatest gift solution from SMO!

This pack includes

  • 1 Macro Kit
  • 1 DIPLE Black & Fine kit
  • 1 DIPLE Lux magnifying lens for smartphone
  • Zoology Slide Set (x15 Slides)
  • Botanical Slide Set (x20 Slides)
  • Basic Histology Slides Set (x25 Slides)
Magnification: 5x-1000x


With DIPLE each student can make Science experiments independently; thanks to its small size, similar to a pencil case, each student can work on its own desk in class, in lab, at home or even outdoor. All the students can make their microscope experiences at the same time, setting the system in few minutes.

With both DIPLE BF and DIPLE Lux, in this kit there are the top solutions for microscopy in brightfield and in refleceted light.

The Blips Macro Kit is a totally portable system, for free-hand exploration of the microworld trhough any smartphone, with optical resolution up to 10 micrometers. It can be used for various types of experiences, including macro observations in outdoor environments.

In this gift pack there are a Blips Macro Kit, a DIPLE Black & Fine kit and a DIPLE Lux. The Macro Plus and Macro lenses are particularly suitable for observing small insects, flowers, coin or product details, for example. DIPLE Black & Fine is a full, complete system of microscopy on smartphone, to see any kind of microorganisms, cells, cell details end even bacteria. DIPLE Lux is a powerful magnifying lens for portable devices, which enables you to see the smallest details of opaque surfaces.

Lots of prepared slides of zoology, botanical and histology are inside the pack.

This gift pack includes Blips Macro Plus (5x), Blips Macro (10x), DIPLE Lux (30x), DIPLE Red (35-200x), DIPLE Grey (75-500x) and DIPLE Black (150-1000x).

Of course! You can find them HERE (DIPLE Black & Fine), HERE (DIPLE Lux) and HERE (Blips Macro Kit).

Blips lenses work on all models of smartphone and tablet with plastic, glass or metal bodies, with plain or protruding cameras, and with cameras on the center of the phone body or towards the angle of the device body. They also work on almost all types of tablets and iPads. DIPLE lenses, as they have no clamp or adhesion systems, are virtually compatible with any type of portable device.

Yes, you just need to locate the used camera on your phone and, if needed, lock the autofocus. For further information please read our FAQs.



All SMO products and a complete set of prepared slides, all in one extra-convenient box!

With the Macro Kit, you can keep your Blips lenses with you all the time, in your pocket, in  your wallet or even attached directly to your smartphone!

The DIPLE Black & Fine kit is our most powerful solution to do great microscopy on your smartphone or tablet. You can see microorganisms, cells, cell details and even bacteria, directly on your device!

DIPLE Lux is a powerful magnifying lens for your smartphone, to see the smallest details in opaque subjects and surfaces.

With our Prepared Slides sets, you can explore the micro-world in all of its beauty, with lots of samples of animals, plants and tissues.

Free App (iOS & Android compatible)

NEW Full Gift Pack